“Hardware/Software Solutions for Scientific Visualization at Large Scientific Research Laboratories” Moderated by Linnea Cook

  • ©Gordon Bancroft, Kevin J. Hussey, John Dragon, and William E. Johnston



Entry Number: 08


    Hardware/Software Solutions for Scientific Visualization at Large Scientific Research Laboratories



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    Transcript of the welcoming speech:
    Good morning. My name is Linnea Cook from Lawrence Livermore Laboratory. This session is a panel session on hardware and software solutions for scientific visualization that are being pursued at some of the large research laboratories in the United States. This panel originated because I saw and other people at Los Alamos saw that we were pursuing different avenues of — and quite vehemently — pursuing different avenues of meeting our graphics needs. In Livermore in particular there was real strife for several years over graphics terminals versus graphics workstations. I thought that other people may benefit from seeing why people are pursuing some of the solutions that they are. Today there are five of us who are going to discuss a little bit about what the environment is that we work in and what we’re each doing to solve the graphic needs in our environments, and also why we think our solution is the best.Each panelist is going to and make an eight to 10 minute statement to that effect. I will give each panelist a complete introduction when they get up to speak. I suppose I should tell you a little bit about who I am before we get started. My background is in math and computer science. I have a BS/MS in that, and I am currently a group leader for one of the computer science groups that supports one of our large physics divisions at Lawrence Livermore Laboratory. Part of the work we do is to support our physicists with good computer graphics and I have been leading the graphics workstation effort for my group. Our first panelist to speak is Gordon Bancroft. He is from NASA Ames and he has a BS in aeronautics. He’s been at NASA for six years, and is currently task manager of workstation applications, as part of the fluid dynamics division. He’s involved in the creation of applications for visualization of fluid dynamic simulation. He has been involved in some of the procurement that NASA has been doing.

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