“Hardware accelerated rendering of antialiasing using a modified a-buffer algorithm” by Winner, Kelley, Pease, Rivard and Yen

  • ©Stephanie Winner, Mike Kelley, Brent Pease, Bill Rivard, and Alex Yen




    Hardware accelerated rendering of antialiasing using a modified a-buffer algorithm



    This paper describes algorithms for accelerating antialiasing in samples used by the filter function. 3D graphics through low-cost custom hardware. The rendering architecture employs a multiple-pass algorithm to perform front-to-back hidden surface removal and shading. Coverage mask evaluation is used to composite objects in 3D. The key advantage of this approach is that antialiasing requires no additional memory and decreases rendering performance by only 30-40% for typical images. The system is image partition based and is scalable to satisfy a wide range of performance and cost constraints.


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