“Haptic enhancements for collaborative scenarios in virtual environment” by Daly, Washburn, Lazarus, Reeder and Martin

  • ©Jason Daly, Don Washburn, Todd Lazarus, John Reeder, and Glenn A. Martin




    Haptic enhancements for collaborative scenarios in virtual environment



    No abstract available.


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    2. EBERLY, D. 1999. Distance Between Point and Triangle In 3D. http://www.magic-software.com/Documentation.
    3. REZZONICO, S. BOULIC, R., ZHIYONG, H. THALMANN, N. M., THANMANN, D. 1995. Consistent Grasping Interactions with Virtual Actors Based on the Multi-sensor Hand Model. In “Virtual Environment”, M. Gobel, ed. Springer Verlag Wien.

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