“Generating antialiased images at low sampling densities” by Mitchell

  • ©Don Mitchell




    Generating antialiased images at low sampling densities



    Ray tracing produces point samples of an image from a 3-D model. Constructing an antialiased digital picture from point samples is difficult without resorting to extremely high sampling densities. This paper describes a program that focuses on that problem. While it is impossible to eliminate aliasing totally, it has been shown that nonuniform sampling yields aliasing that is less conspicuous to the observer. An algorithm is presented for fast generation of nonuniform sampling patterns that are optimal in some sense. Some regions of an image may require extra sampling to avoid strong aliasing. Deciding where to do extra sampling can be guided by knowledge of how the eye perceives noise as a function of contrast and color. Finally, to generate the digital picture, the image must be reconstructed from the samples and resampled at the display pixel rate. The nonuniformity of the samples complicates this process, and a new nonuniform reconstruction filter is presented which solves this problem efficiently.


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