“Functional Characterization of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Geometry” by Corman, Solomon, Ben-Chen, Guibas and Ovsjanikov

  • ©Étienne Corman, Justin M. Solomon, Mirela (Miri) Ben-Chen, Leonidas (Leo) J. Guibas, and Maks Ovsjanikov




    Functional Characterization of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Geometry

Session/Category Title:   Being Discrete About Geometry Processing




    We propose a novel way to capture and characterize distortion between pairs of shapes by extending the recently proposed framework of shape differences built on functional maps. We modify the original definition of shape differences slightly and prove that after this change, the discrete metric is fully encoded in two shape difference operators and can be recovered by solving two linear systems of equations. Then we introduce an extension of the shape difference operators using offset surfaces to capture extrinsic or embedding-dependent distortion, complementing the purely intrinsic nature of the original shape differences. Finally, we demonstrate that a set of four operators is complete, capturing intrinsic and extrinsic structure and fully encoding a shape up to rigid motion in both discrete and continuous settings. We highlight the usefulness of our constructions by showing the complementary nature of our extrinsic shape differences in capturing distortion ignored by previous approaches. We additionally provide examples where we recover local shape structure from the shape difference operators, suggesting shape editing and analysis tools based on manipulating shape differences.


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