“Full 3D reconstruction of transparent objects” by Wu, Zhou, Lin, Gong and Huang

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Entry Number: 103


    Full 3D reconstruction of transparent objects

Session/Category Title:   3D Capture




    Numerous techniques have been proposed for reconstructing 3D models for opaque objects in past decades. However, none of them can be directly applied to transparent objects. This paper presents a fully automatic approach for reconstructing complete 3D shapes of transparent objects. Through positioning an object on a turntable, its silhouettes and light refraction paths under different viewing directions are captured. Then, starting from an initial rough model generated from space carving, our algorithm progressively optimizes the model under three constraints: surface and refraction normal consistency, surface projection and silhouette consistency, and surface smoothness. Experimental results on both synthetic and real objects demonstrate that our method can successfully recover the complex shapes of transparent objects and faithfully reproduce their light refraction properties.


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