“Frontiers Workshop: Expressive Avatar Interactions in Online Co-Experiences” by Kapadia, Zordan, Sanocki, Mitchell, Sachs, et al. …

  • ©Mubbasir Kapadia, Victor Brian Zordan, Tom Sanocki, Kenny Mitchell, Ian Sachs, Vivek Virma, Tom Sonacki, Anindita Ghosh, and Markus Laattala




    Frontiers Workshop: Expressive Avatar Interactions in Online Co-Experiences



    The Expressive Avatar Interactions for co-Experiences Online workshop gathers experts meeting the challenges and opportunities in bringing remote people in motion together online. The half-day event includes hands-on demonstrations of low-latency synchronized dancing, creative visualizations, and expressive communication using avatars, with lessons learned on deploying at scale with a large global community. The presenters combine experience deploying and contributing advances for video games and movies, including character animation, network optimization, and motion capture. Leaders pushing the limits of online interactivity for dance and play, join in to trial the online experiences live with insights for future directions and community growth.

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