“Frequency domain volume rendering” by Totsuka and Levoy
- Frequency domain volume rendering
The Fourier projection-slice theorem allows projections of volume
data to be generated in O(n2 log n) time for a volume of size n3
The method operates by extracting and inverse Fourier transforming
2D slices from a 3D frequency domain representation of the volume.
Unfortunately, these projections do not exhibit the occlusion that is
characteristic of conventional volume renderings. We present a new
frequency domain volume rendering algorithm that replaces much
of the missing depth and shape cues by performing shading calculations in the frequency domain during slice extraction. In particular,
we demonstrate frequency domain methods for computing linear
or nonlinear depth cueing and directional diffuse reflection. The
resulting images can be generated an order of magnitude faster than
volume renderings and may be more useful for many applications.
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