“Four Paths to Computer Animation: Entertainment, Broadcast, Education, And Science-Will Their Futures Converge?” Moderated by Nancy St. John

  • ©James (Jim) F. Blinn, Bill Kovacs, Carl Rosendahl, and Craig Upson



Entry Number: 03


    Four Paths to Computer Animation: Entertainment, Broadcast, Education, And Science-Will Their Futures Converge?



Additional Information:

    Scientific graphics gave birth to the computer animation field in the 1960s. In the early 1970s, broadcast and educational computer animation were offshoots from scientific animation, and, in the early 1980s, broadcast animation gave birth to entertainment animation. What will the 1990s bring? Already, entertainment companies are providing computers for scientific and educational use while entertainment and broadcast animation are using more and more science. Will these four fields converge into one field again? Or will there still be science animation as opposed to education animation or entertainment animation rather than broadcast animation?
    The panelists attempt to address these questions and will present representative work from their respective fields. A lively discussion should ensue with the presentation of differ- ent perspectives of where computer animation will and should go.

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