“First-person hyper-lapse videos” by Kopf, Cohen and Szeliski

  • ©Johannes Kopf, Michael Cohen, and Richard Szeliski




    First-person hyper-lapse videos

Session/Category Title:   Video Applications




    We present a method for converting first-person videos, for example, captured with a helmet camera during activities such as rock climbing or bicycling, into hyper-lapse videos, i.e., time-lapse videos with a smoothly moving camera. At high speed-up rates, simple frame sub-sampling coupled with existing video stabilization methods does not work, because the erratic camera shake present in first-person videos is amplified by the speed-up. Our algorithm first reconstructs the 3D input camera path as well as dense, per-frame proxy geometries. We then optimize a novel camera path for the output video that passes near the input cameras while ensuring that the virtual camera looks in directions that can be rendered well from the input. Finally, we generate the novel smoothed, time-lapse video by rendering, stitching, and blending appropriately selected source frames for each output frame. We present a number of results for challenging videos that cannot be processed using traditional techniques.


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