“Faster integration of the equations of motion” by Saunders
Interest Area:
- Production & Animation and Technical
- Faster integration of the equations of motion
Session/Category Title: Adventures in Moving
Physical simulation techniques generate realistic motion at a computational price. This sketch examines ways of reducing that cost through the use of leapfrog methods.
1. 1 Press, Teukolsky, Vetterling and Flannery. Numerical recipes in C. Cambridge University Press, 1988.
2. 2 Skeel, Zhang and Schlick. A family of symplectic integrators: Stability, accuracy, and molecular dynamics applications. SIAM J. Sci. Comput., Vol. 18, No. 1, 203-222, Jan 1997.
3. 3 Witkin and Baraff. Physically based modeling: Principles and practice. SIGGRAPH Course Notes #19, 1997.
4. 4 Dullweber, Leimkuhler, and McLachlan. Symplectic splitting methods for rigid body molecular dynamics. Journal of Chemical Physics, #107, October 1997.