“Fast Ray Tracing of Scenes with Unstructured Motion” by Khanna, Mortensen, Yu and Slater

  • ©Pankaj Khanna, Jesper Mortensen, Insu Yu, and Mel Slater

  • ©Pankaj Khanna, Jesper Mortensen, Insu Yu, and Mel Slater

  • ©Pankaj Khanna, Jesper Mortensen, Insu Yu, and Mel Slater



Entry Number: 035


    Fast Ray Tracing of Scenes with Unstructured Motion



    Ray tracing dynamically changing scenes with unstructured motion for animated objects has long been a problem for raytraversal acceleration schemes. When polygons are transformed independently of one another, the cost of updating traditional spatial data-structures can be quite high [2001]. We propose a ray traversal scheme that is well suited to scenes with dynamically changing objects during ray tracing. A similar data structure for propagation and walkthrough only rendering of globally illuminated scenes was introduced for global illumination in [2004]. Here we concentrate on an application and modification of that data structure for the task of ray tracing scenes composed of static and dynamic objects. The major computation for handling arbitrary transformations of dynamic objects reduces to low resolution 2D polygon rasterisation.


    1. {2001} Lext, J., Assarsson, U., Akenine-Moller, T. (2001) A Benchmark for Animated Ray Tracing, IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, pp. 22–31, March/April 2001.
    2. {2004} Slater, M., Mortensen, J., Khanna, P., Yu, I. (2004) A Virtual Light Field Approach to Global Illumination, Proceedings of Computer Graphics International, Greece, June 12–19, 2004.


    This research is funded by the UK EPSRC, grant number GR/R13685/01. Mel Slater is supported by an EPSRC Senior Research Fellowship.


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