“Fast Product Importance Sampling of Environment Maps”

  • ©Alejandro Conty Estevez and Pascal Lecocq

  • ©Alejandro Conty Estevez and Pascal Lecocq

  • ©Alejandro Conty Estevez and Pascal Lecocq



Entry Number: 71


    Fast Product Importance Sampling of Environment Maps



    We present a technique to importance sample large collections of lights. A bounding volume hierarchy over all lights is traversed at each shading point using a single random number in a way that importance samples their predicted contribution. We further improve the performance of the algorithm by forcing splitting until the importance of a cluster is sufficiently representative of its contents.


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    Petr Vévoda and Jaroslav Křivánek. 2016. Adaptive Direct Illumination Sampling. In SIGGRAPH ASIA 2016 Posters (SA ’16). ACM, New York, NY, USA, Article 43, 2 pages.
    Bruce Walter, Sebastian Fernandez, Adam Arbree, Kavita Bala, Michael Donikian, and Donald P. Greenberg. 2005. Lightcuts: A Scalable Approach to Illumination. ACM Trans. Graph. 24, 3 (July 2005), 1098–1107.



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