“Fast multipole representation of diffusion curves and points” by Zheng, Sun and Thamjaroenporn
- Fast multipole representation of diffusion curves and points
Session/Category Title: Non-Photorealistic Rendering
We propose a new algorithm for random-access evaluation of diffusion curve images (DCIs) using the fast multipole method. Unlike all previous methods, our algorithm achieves real-time performance for rasterization and texture-mapping DCIs of up to millions of curves. After precomputation, computing the color at a single pixel takes nearly constant time. We also incorporate Gaussian radial basis functions into our fast multipole representation using the fast Gauss transform. The fast multipole representation is not only a data structure for fast color evaluation, but also a framework for vector graphics analogues of bitmap editing operations. We exhibit this capability by devising new tools for fast diffusion curve Poisson cloning and composition with masks.
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