“Facial Modeling and Animation” by Haber, Terzopoulos, Blanz, Borshukov, Parke, et al. …
Entry Number: 05
- Facial Modeling and Animation
Course Organizer(s):
Basic computer graphics concepts.
Intended Audience
The target audience includes, but is not limited to, students, researchers, and developers in the area of facial modeling and animation.
This overview of the concepts and current techniques in facial modeling and animation begins with a review of history and applications. As a necessary prerequisite for facial modeling, data acquisition is discussed in detail. The course then summarizes basic concepts of facial animation and presents different approaches, including parametric models; performance-, physics-, and learning-based methods; and state-of-the-art techniques such as muscle-based facial animation, mass-spring networks for skin models, and morphable models.
The course also reviews texturing of head models and rendering of skin, addressing problems related to texture synthesis and bump mapping with graphics hardware. Typical applications for facial modeling and animation such as medical and forensic applications (craniofacial surgery simulation, facial reconstruction from skull data, virtual aging) and animation techniques for movie production (case study of “The Matrix Reloaded”) are presented and explained.