“EZ-sketching: three-level optimization for error-tolerant image tracing” by Su, LI, Wang and Fu
- EZ-sketching: three-level optimization for error-tolerant image tracing
Session/Category Title: Non-Photorealistic Rendering
We present a new image-guided drawing interface called EZ-Sketching, which uses a tracing paradigm and automatically corrects sketch lines roughly traced over an image by analyzing and utilizing the image features being traced. While previous edge snapping methods aim at optimizing individual strokes, we show that a co-analysis of multiple roughly placed nearby strokes better captures the user’s intent. We formulate automatic sketch improvement as a three-level optimization problem and present an efficient solution to it. EZ-Sketching can tolerate errors from various sources such as indirect control and inherently inaccurate input, and works well for sketching on touch devices with small screens using fingers. Our user study confirms that the drawings our approach helped generate show closer resemblance to the traced images, and are often aesthetically more pleasing.
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