“Extracting and parametrizing temporally coherent surfaces from particles” by Shen and Shah
- Extracting and parametrizing temporally coherent surfaces from particles
Session/Category Title: Drat, More Rats!
A fluid-surfacing technique used in “Ratatouille” to efficiently extract temporally coherent surfaces from particles with parametrization that allows textural details to be later added in rendering.
1. Froemling, E., Goktekin, T., and Peachey, D. Simulating whitewater rapids in ratatouille. Submitted to Siggraph 2007 Technical Sketches.
2. Goktekin, T., Reisch, J., Peachey, D., and Shah, A. Rolling the dough, cracking the egg and pouring the sauce. Submitted to Siggraph 2007 Technical Sketches.
3. Shen, C., O’Brien, J. F., and Shewchuk, J. R. 2004. Interpolating and approximating implicit surfaces from polygon soup. ACM Transactions on Graphics 23, 3 (Aug.), 896–904.
4. Zhu, Y., and Bridson, R. 2005. Animating sand as a fluid. ACM Transactions on Graphics 24, 3 (Aug.), 965–972.