“Expressive features for movement exaggeration” by Davis and Kannappan

  • ©James W. Davis and Vignesh S. Kannappan



Interest Area:



    Expressive features for movement exaggeration

Session/Category Title:   Human Figure Animation



    Given a single motion-capture sequence of a person performing a dynamic activity at a particular intensity (or effort), our goal is to automatically warp that movement into a natural-looking exaggerated version of that action. Consider warping a movement of a person lifting a lightweight box to make the movement appear as if the box were actually very heavy. We describe an efficient data-driven approach applicable to animation re-use that learns the underlying regularity in an action to select the most “expressive” features to exaggerate. Other “style-based” approaches are presented in [Gleicher 1998; Brand and Hertzmann 2000; Vasilescu 2001].


    1. Brand, M., and Hertzmann, A. 2000. Style machines. In SIGGRAPH 00 Conference Proceedings, 183–192.
    2. Gleicher, M. 1998. Retargetting motion to new characters. In SIGGRAPH 98 Conference Proceedings, 33–42.
    3. Vasilescu, M. A. O. 2001. Human motion signatures for character animation. In SIGGRAPH 01 Conference Abstracts and Applications, 200.

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