“Expression cloning” by Noh and Neumann
- Expression cloning
We present a novel approach to producing facial expression animations for new models. Instead of creating new facial animations from scratch for each new model created, we take advantage of existing animation data in the form of vertex motion vectors. Our method allows animations created by any tools or methods to be easily retargeted to new models. We call this process expression cloning and it provides a new alternative for creating facial animations for character models. Expression cloning makes it meaningful to compile a high-quality facial animation library since this data can be reused for new models. Our method transfers vertex motion vectors from a source face model to a target model having different geometric proportions and mesh structure (vertex number and connectivity). With the aid of an automated heuristic correspondence search, expression cloning typically requires a user to select fewer than ten points in the model. Cloned expression animations preserve the relative motions, dynamics, and character of the original facial animations.
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