“Energetically consistent inelasticity for optimization time integration” by Li, Li and Jiang

  • ©Xuan Li, Minchen Li, and Chenfanfu Jiang




    Energetically consistent inelasticity for optimization time integration



    In this paper, we propose Energetically Consistent Inelasticity (ECI), a new formulation for modeling and discretizing finite strain elastoplasticity/viscoelasticity in a way that is compatible with optimization-based time integrators. We provide an in-depth analysis for allowing plasticity to be implicitly integrated through an augmented strain energy density function. We develop ECI on the associative von-Mises J2 plasticity, the non-associative Drucker-Prager plasticity, and the finite strain viscoelasticity. We demonstrate the resulting scheme on both the Finite Element Method (FEM) and the Material Point Method (MPM). Combined with a custom Newton-type optimization integration scheme, our method enables simulating stiff and large-deformation inelastic dynamics of metal, sand, snow, and foam with larger time steps, improved stability, higher efficiency, and better accuracy than existing approaches.


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