“Embedded thin shells for wrinkle simulation” by Kry and Rémillard

  • ©Paul G. Kry and Olivier Rémillard




    Embedded thin shells for wrinkle simulation

Session/Category Title:   Rods & Shells




    We present a new technique for simulating high resolution surface wrinkling deformations of composite objects consisting of a soft interior and a harder skin. We combine high resolution thin shells with coarse finite element lattices and define frequency based constraints that allow the formation of wrinkles with properties matching those predicted by the physical parameters of the composite object. Our two-way coupled model produces the expected wrinkling behavior without the computational expense of a large number of volumetric elements to model deformations under the surface. We use C1 quadratic shape functions for the interior deformations, allowing very coarse resolutions to model the overall global deformation efficiently, while avoiding visual artifacts of wrinkling at discretization boundaries. We demonstrate that our model produces wrinkle wavelengths that match both theoretical predictions and high resolution volumetric simulations. We also show example applications in simulating wrinkles on passive objects, such as furniture, and for wrinkles on faces in character animation.


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