“Efficient elasticity for character skinning with contact and collisions” by McAdams, Zhu, Selle, Empey, Tamstorf, et al. …

  • ©Aleka McAdams, Yongning Zhu, Andrew Selle, Mark Empey, Rasmus Tamstorf, Joseph Teran, and Eftychios D. Sifakis




    Efficient elasticity for character skinning with contact and collisions



    We present a new algorithm for near-interactive simulation of skeleton driven, high resolution elasticity models. Our methodology is used for soft tissue deformation in character animation. The algorithm is based on a novel discretization of corotational elasticity over a hexahedral lattice. Within this framework we enforce positive definiteness of the stiffness matrix to allow efficient quasistatics and dynamics. In addition, we present a multigrid method that converges with very high efficiency. Our design targets performance through parallelism using a fully vectorized and branch-free SVD algorithm as well as a stable one-point quadrature scheme. Since body collisions, self collisions and soft-constraints are necessary for real-world examples, we present a simple framework for enforcing them. The whole approach is demonstrated in an end-to-end production-level character skinning system.


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