“Educate the educator: lessons from faculty education programs at Rhythm & Hues studios worldwide”

  • ©Subhashish Aikat and Barbara McCullough




    Educate the educator: lessons from faculty education programs at Rhythm & Hues studios worldwide

Session/Category Title:   Education: Learning and the Studio



    Educators of computer graphics and digital art play a pivotal role in the development and sustenance of technical and artistic talent by establishing the foundations of collaboration between the industry and the academe. This talk shares lessons learned from the Faculty Education Programs (FEP) instituted by Rhythm & Hues (R&H) Studios in 2007 and deployed in its three locations in the U.S. and in India — Los Angeles, Mumbai and Hyderabad. Since, 2007, more than 60 faculty from more than 40 institutions in the U.S. and India have participated in these programs.


    1. Rogers, Everett M. 1995. Diffusion of Innovations. New York, NY. The Free Press

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