“Editable dynamic textures” by Doretto and Soatto

  • ©Gianfranco Doretto and Stefano Soatto



Interest Area:



    Editable dynamic textures

Session/Category Title:   Textures



    This technical sketch presents a simple and efficient algorithm for editing realistic sequences of images of dynamic scenes that exhibit some form of temporal regularity. Such scenes include flowing water, steam, smoke, flames, foliage of trees in wind, crowds, dense traffic flow etc. We call this kind of scenes dynamic textures.


    1. Popović, J., Seitz, S. M., Erdmann, M., Popović, Z., and Witkin, A. 2000. Interactive manipulation of rigid body simulations. In Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 2000, 209–218.
    2. Schödl, A., Szeliski, R., Salesin, D. H., and Essa, I. 2000. Video textures. In Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 2000, 489–498.
    3. Soatto, S., Doretto, G., and Wu, Y. 2001. Dynamic textures. In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, vol. 2, 439–446.

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