“Dynamic 2D patterns for shading 3D scenes” by Breslav, Szerszen, Markosian, Barla and Thollot

  • ©Simon Breslav, Karol Szerszen, Lee Markosian, Pascal Barla, and Joëlle Thollot




    Dynamic 2D patterns for shading 3D scenes



    We describe a new way to render 3D scenes in a variety of non-photorealistic styles, based on patterns whose structure and motion are defined in 2D. In doing so, we sacrifice the ability of patterns that wrap onto 3D surfaces to convey shape through their structure and motion. In return, we gain several advantages, chiefly that 2D patterns are more visually abstract – a quality often sought by artists, which explains their widespread use in hand-drawn images.Extending such styles to 3D graphics presents a challenge: how should a 2D pattern move? Our solution is to transform it each frame by a 2D similarity transform that closely follows the underlying 3D shape. The resulting motion is often surprisingly effective, and has a striking cartoon quality that matches the visual style.


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