“Dual scattering approximation for fast multiple scattering in hair” by Zinke, Yuksel, Weber and Keyser

  • ©Arno Zinke, Cem Yuksel, Andreas Weber, and John Keyser




    Dual scattering approximation for fast multiple scattering in hair



    When rendering light colored hair, multiple fiber scattering is essential for the right perception of the overall hair color. In this context, we present a novel technique to efficiently approximate multiple fiber scattering for a full head of human hair or a similar fiber based geometry. In contrast to previous ad-hoc approaches, our method relies on the physically accurate concept of the Bidirectional Scattering Distribution Functions and gives physically plausible results with no need for parameter tweaking. We show that complex scattering effects can be approximated very well by using aggressive simplifications based on this theoretical model. When compared to unbiased Monte-Carlo path tracing, our approximations preserve photo-realism in most settings but with rendering times at least two-orders of magnitude lower. Time and space complexity are much lower compared to photon mapping-based techniques and we can even achieve realistic results in real-time on a standard PC with consumer graphics hardware.


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