“Dual-layer Light Source With Textured Lighting Gel” by Sun, Carr, Dhingra, Batra and Phogat

  • ©Xin Sun, Nathan Carr, Sumit Dhingra, Vineet Batra, and Ankit Phogat



Entry Number: 14


    Dual-layer Light Source With Textured Lighting Gel



    We propose a new light source representation to intuitively model complicated lighting effects with simple user interactions. Our representation uses two layers; an emissive layer which is a traditional diffuse area light source with a constant emission, and a lighting gel layer which introduces variations to the emission. The lighting gel layer is mapped with a texture for colored shadows without modeling a 3D scene. The two layers are transformed independently to cast the texture with different effects. To cast lighting on a planar canvas in 2D design, the proposed light source can be created and edited in the 2D canvas directly, without switching to 3D world space.


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