“Dual contouring of hermite data” by Ju, Losasso, Schaefer and Warren

  • ©Tao Ju, Frank Losasso, Scott Schaefer, and Joe Warren

  • ©Tao Ju, Frank Losasso, Scott Schaefer, and Joe Warren




    Dual contouring of hermite data



    This paper describes a new method for contouring a signed grid whose edges are tagged by Hermite data (i.e; exact intersection points and normals). This method avoids the need to explicitly identify and process “features” as required in previous Hermite contouring methods. Using a new, numerically stable representation for quadratic error functions, we develop an octree-based method for simplifying contours produced by this method. We next extend our contouring method to these simpli£ed octrees. This new method imposes no constraints on the octree (such as being a restricted octree) and requires no “crack patching”. We conclude with a simple test for preserving the topology of the contour during simplification.


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