“”drop”: An Interactive Art Installation with Water Drop Projection-Mapping” by Fujioka

  • ©Sadam Fujioka




    "drop": An Interactive Art Installation with Water Drop Projection-Mapping



    This paper describes an interactive art installation titled “drop.” It is the first artwork using the Waterdrop Projection-Mapping (WPM) system, which animates levitating waterdrops. With this artwork, the anno lab team infuses physical characteristics into computer graphics and materializes them as tangible pixels. WPM consists of a waterdrop generator and an ultra high-speed projector. The team uses an ultra high-speed projector to cast stroboscopic spotlights mapping on waterdrops to create an optical illusion of animating each waterdrop individually. This is a new technique to show computer animation by animating levitating waterdrops. This technique explores a new horizon to create animations with tangible pixels that the viewer can touch physically.


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