“Double Negative Presents: The Visual Effects of “Interstellar”” by Thorne, Franklin, James and Tunzelmann

  • ©Kip S. Thorne, Paul Franklin, Oliver James, and Eugénie von Tunzelmann




    Double Negative Presents: The Visual Effects of “Interstellar”


Project Affiliation:

    Double Negative


    Christopher Nolan’s science-fiction epic “Interstellar” presented Double Negative with a wide variety of computer graphics challenges. This session discusses all aspects of the visual effects work on the film, from the use of traditional, practical techniques such as miniatures to the role that theoretical physics played in how the visual effects were designed. Topics include: how Double Negative collaborated with Kip Thorne to develop a new renderer to ray-trace through gravitationally warped space, creation of a 4000-foot wave, and design of a virtual environment to represent higher spatial dimensions. This visual effects project in the region where art and science overlap resulted in two academic physics papers, authored by the panelists.

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