“Don’t be a WIMP: A 60-Second Introduction to Augmented and Virtual Reality” by Behr and Reiners

  • ©Johannes Behr and Dirk Reiners



Entry Number: 11


    Don't be a WIMP: A 60-Second Introduction to Augmented and Virtual Reality



    Virtual and augmented reality have been around for a long time, but for most people they are movie fantasies. Very few people outside a few research labs have worked with or experienced these systems for themselves. On the other hand, interactive 3D graphics applications are ubiquitous, mostly in the form of games. More and more people are working in animation and games, creating models and programs for interactive 3D applications on standard monitors.

    The goal of this class is to demonstrate that the leap to actual immersive or augmented environments is not as big as you might think. It explains how high-powered 3D graphics cards, mainstream  applications of stereoscopic displays in 3D TV and movies, and webcams that achieve TV-quality images have significantly lowered the barriers to entry. And how, in combination with those hardware advances, freely available software based on open standards like X3D provides all the tools you need to access the elusive world of virtual and augmented reality applications. Following a summary of the basic principles of stereo displays, tracking systems and post-WIMP interaction metaphors, the main part of the course is a practical introduction to creating and running your own interactive and immersive applications.  

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