“Display of clouds taking into account multiple anisotropic scattering and sky light” by Nishita, Dobashi and Nakamae

  • ©Tomoyuki Nishita, Yoshinori Dobashi, and Eihachiro Nakamae




    Display of clouds taking into account multiple anisotropic scattering and sky light



    Methods to display realistic clouds are proposed. To display realistic images, a precise shading model is required: two components should be considered. One is multiple scattering due to particles in clouds, and the other factor to be considered is sky light. For the former, the calculation of cloud intensities has been assumed to be complex due to strong forward scattering. However, this paper proposes an efficient calculation method using these scattering characteristics in a positive way. The latter is a very significant factor when sky light is rather stronger than direct sunlight, such as at sunset/sunrise, even though sky light has been ignored in previous methods. This paper describes an efficient calculation method for light scattering due to clouds taking into account both multiple scattering and sky light, and the modeling of clouds.


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