“Directable crowd animation” by Ishihara and Anjyo

  • ©Wataru Ishihara and Ken-ichi (Ken) Anjyo

  • ©Wataru Ishihara and Ken-ichi (Ken) Anjyo




    Directable crowd animation



    We present an interactive system for creating directable crowd animation, focusing on making the CG crowd shots suited especially for a TV program. Our system cannot make such “advanced” crowd animations as those for a blockbuster movie, which were made, for example, using AI techniques. However, our system allows a user to quickly make the crowd scenes under a limited time and budget. Our “handy” crowd system is currently available as a Maya plug-in our workplace, offering several features, which we believe would be useful enough to quickly make various crowd shots.


    1. Raynolds, C. 1987. Flocks, Herds, and Schools: A Distributed Behavioral Model. In Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 87, 15–22.
    2. Unuma, M., Anjyo, K., and Takeuch, R. 1995. Modeling Crowd: A descriptive method of interaction among crowd and their environment in a virtual scity. IEEJ 115-C 2, 212–221. (in Japanese)

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©Wataru Ishihara and Ken-ichi (Ken) Anjyo ©Wataru Ishihara and Ken-ichi (Ken) Anjyo ©Wataru Ishihara and Ken-ichi (Ken) Anjyo ©Wataru Ishihara and Ken-ichi (Ken) Anjyo ©Wataru Ishihara and Ken-ichi (Ken) Anjyo ©Wataru Ishihara and Ken-ichi (Ken) Anjyo ©Wataru Ishihara and Ken-ichi (Ken) Anjyo

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