“Diminishing head-mounted display for shared augmented reality” by Takemura and Ohta
Interest Area:
- Application
- Diminishing head-mounted display for shared augmented reality
Session/Category Title: Virtual Reality Techniques
Eye-contact plays a very important role in the face-to-face human communication. In the shared augmented reality space, however, the eye-contact between two people is blocked by the head-mounted displays. An HMD is a necessary device for merging the virtual and real worlds to realize the augmented/mixed reality. [Ohta and Tamura 1999] As a side effect, it covers the user eyes. In a shared AR/MR space, multiple users want to share the real world as well as the virtual objects. However, the eye-contact information in the real world is dropped because of the HMDs.
1. Ohta, Y. and Tamura, H. Eds: Mixed Reality, Merging real and virtual worlds, Splinger-Verlag, 1999.
2. Demonstration Video: http://www.image.esys.tsukuba.ac.jp/~takemura/LAB/study/siggraph/index.html