“Depth Image based Cloth Deformation for Virtual Try-on” by Movania and Farbiz

  • ©Muhammad Mobeen Movania and Farzam Farbiz

  • ©Muhammad Mobeen Movania and Farzam Farbiz

  • ©Muhammad Mobeen Movania and Farzam Farbiz



Entry Number: 34


    Depth Image based Cloth Deformation for Virtual Try-on



    The affordability of RGBD cameras has pushed the retail shopping to the next level with the Virtual Try-on (VTO) application. Existing approaches [Giovanni et al. 2012], [Kevelham and Magnenat-Thalmann 2012] use skinning whereas systems like FitNect augment skinning with cloth simulation. Alternatively, image-based approach [Zhou et al. 2012] utilizes video clips for virtual try-on. In all of the existing approaches, the user’s depth profile is not taken into consideration. Therefore, the user does not feel a good fit. Using customized avatars [Yuan et al. 2012] solves the fitting issue but it requires an offline user-look-alike avatar creation stage which is improper for walk-through scenarios. Furthermore, accurate physics based simulation of a 3D garment on a detailed avatar model is very time consuming.


    1. Giovanni, S., Choi, Y. C, Huang, J., Khoo, E. T., and Yin, K. 2012. Virtual try-on using kinect and hd camera. In Proc. Motion in Games 2012, vol. 7660, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 55–65.
    2. Kevelham, B., and Magnenat-Thalmann, N. 2012. Fast and accurate gpu-based simulation of virtual garments. In Proceedings of VRCAI 2012, ACM, 223–226.
    3. Yuan, M., Khan, I. R., and Farbiz, F. 2012. Aligning a 3d headless avatar with a user’s 2d face images in real-time. In SIGGRAPH Asia 2012 Posters, ACM.
    4. Zhou, Z., Shu, B., Zhuo, S., Deng, X., Tan, P., and Lin, S. 2012. Image-based clothes animation for virtual fitting. In SIGGRAPH Asia 2012 Technique Briefs, ACM.

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©Muhammad Mobeen Movania and Farzam Farbiz ©Muhammad Mobeen Movania and Farzam Farbiz ©Muhammad Mobeen Movania and Farzam Farbiz


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