“Demystifying the Python-processing Landscape: An Overview of Tools Combining Python and Processing” by Bunn and Carrasco

  • ©Tristan Alan Bunn and Taylor Carrasco



Entry Number: 36


    Demystifying the Python-processing Landscape: An Overview of Tools Combining Python and Processing



    Processing is composed of a programming language and an editor for writing and compiling code, providing a collection of special commands to draw, animate, and handle user input using Java. Python Mode for Processing (also referred to as Processing.py) leverages Jython, a Java implementation of Python, to interface with Processing’s Java core. One can install and activate Python Mode in Processing using a button in the IDE interface. Python Mode enables Python syntax in the IDE (instead of Java) but has its limitations: it is source-compatible with Python 2.7 (not 3+) and does not support CPython libraries (such as NumPy). Several promising new Python-Processing tools have emerged, but this proliferation of alternatives can confuse would-be users. This talk maps out the Python-Processing landscape, offering insight into the different options and providing direction for beginners, teachers, and more accomplished programmers keen to explore Python as a tool for creative coding projects.


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    C. Reas and B. Fry. 2014. Processing: A Programming Handbook for Visual Designers and Artists. https://books.google.co.nz/books?id=NxwmrgEACAAJGoogle Scholar
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