“Deep convolutional priors for indoor scene synthesis” by Wang, Savva, Chang and Ritchie

  • ©Kai Wang, Manolis Savva, Angel X. Chang, and Daniel Ritchie



Entry Number: 70


    Deep convolutional priors for indoor scene synthesis

Session/Category Title:   Image & Shape Analysis With CNNs




    We present a convolutional neural network based approach for indoor scene synthesis. By representing 3D scenes with a semantically-enriched image-based representation based on orthographic top-down views, we learn convolutional object placement priors from the entire context of a room. Our approach iteratively generates rooms from scratch, given only the room architecture as input. Through a series of perceptual studies we compare the plausibility of scenes generated using our method against baselines for object selection and object arrangement, as well as scenes modeled by people. We find that our method generates scenes that are preferred over the baselines, and in some cases are equally preferred to human-created scenes.


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