“Data-driven efficient production of cartoon character animation” by Morishima, Kuriyama, Kawamoto, Suzuki, Taira, et al. …
- Data-driven efficient production of cartoon character animation
Session/Category Title: Looking Good
In this paper, we outline two new 3DCG technologies, MoCaToon and AniFace, which have been developed to improve the efficiency of the movie production process in the labor-intensive world of Japanese Anime, where much of the work is still done by hand. MoCaToon is a technology which enables motion capture systems to be used in the anime production process, and AniFace enables anime characters’ lips to be synchronized with pre-scored voices. To verify the feasibility of these technologies, we reproduced the popular Japanese TV anime series, The Galaxy Railways, with 3D character animation utilizing both MoCaToon and AniFace. As a result of this experiment, it seems that the two technologies can be effectively used by animators to customize 3DCG characters according to their specific requirements, especially in terms of character style and motion.