“Daily Life in the Middle Ages – Parma in the Cathedral Age” by Guidazzoli, Ponti, Diamanti, Sangiorgi and Cirifino

  • ©Antonella Guidazzoli, Francesca Delli Ponti, Tiziano Diamanti, Leonardo Sangiorgi, and Fabio Cirifino

  • ©Antonella Guidazzoli, Francesca Delli Ponti, Tiziano Diamanti, Leonardo Sangiorgi, and Fabio Cirifino




    Daily Life in the Middle Ages - Parma in the Cathedral Age



    Aim of the exhibit “Daily Life in the Middle Ages. Parma in the Cathedral age”, which took place in Parma, from October 2006 8th to January 14th 2007, was to communicate the experience of the daily life of common people in Parma in the Middle Ages starting from historical sources. Technological and historical knowledge interactions have been performed by different disciplines experts including communication ones in order to create from philological models narrative spaces for the public.

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