“Creating a Modern Classic Visual Effect” by Cameron

  • ©Ken Cameron

  • ©Ken Cameron

  • ©Ken Cameron

  • ©Ken Cameron




    Creating a Modern Classic Visual Effect



    While much of the traditional terminology of visual effects survives, the role of computers has transformed the way in which filmmakers are able to realize their vision. To support these filmmakers, effects teams must understand both how visual effects have been created in the past and how to develop software to deliver them in the modern context. The assignment we present here is designed to be part of a computing programme that provides an opportunity for students to develop such software in a near realistic setting. We do this by asking the students to work in small groups to replicate a classic visual effect that was originally created in camera.


    I’d like to thank the students who have chosen to do this course for their feedback to help improve the course for their successors and allowing the shots they have produced to be shared. And Professor Darren Cosker for helping a new course leader refine a coursework specification.


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