“Crazy eight: the making of a race sequence in Disney/Pixar’s “Cars 3″” by Berry, Bianchi, Marshall, Nguyen, Oakley, et al. …

  • ©Bert Berry, David Bianchi, Stephen Marshall, George Nguyen, Paul Oakley, Sudeep Rangaswamy, and Frank Tai




    Crazy eight: the making of a race sequence in Disney/Pixar's "Cars 3"


Project Affiliation:

    Pixar Animation Studios


    In this deep dive into “Cars 3”, learn how Pixar filmmakers pulled off one of their most complex sequences ever: a figure-8 demolition derby filled with car crashes, mud, and explosions! The production team will discuss the artistic and technical challenges involved in bringing this race to life. Park at your own risk. Pixar is not responsible for any damage to your vehicle.

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