“Cosmetic-Vis: Sample-based 3D Facial Editor for Cosmetic Medical Visualization” by Ren, Xie, Yang and Shen

  • ©Mengyuan Ren, Ning Xie, Yang Yang, and Heng Tao Shen

  • ©Mengyuan Ren, Ning Xie, Yang Yang, and Heng Tao Shen

  • ©Mengyuan Ren, Ning Xie, Yang Yang, and Heng Tao Shen



Entry Number: 21


    Cosmetic-Vis: Sample-based 3D Facial Editor for Cosmetic Medical Visualization



    Cosmetic medical visualization has become an important application in computer graphics, especially for facial appearance visualization[Chandawarkar et al. 2013]. Recent approaches have reached very realistic results by blend shape[Ma et al. 2012], which is the most practical tool to make the facial appearance and expression animation in application domains on the entertainment industry (VFXs and games). In many role-playing games (RPGs), players enable to edit the character’s facial appearance. However, it is unrealistic since arbitrary discontinuities and position relationship violations (a selected nose might be at a higher position that the bottom of the eyes selected from a different character) caused by players’ manual operation. Moreover, the validity on changing facial organs has not be considered well yet.



    This work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Project 61602088, Project 61572108 and Project 61632007 and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities under Project ZYGX2016J212, Project ZYGX2015J055 and Project ZYGX2014Z007. Authors are grateful to the anonymous reviewers for their careful readings and valuable feedback.


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