“Cop to Conductor: Negotiating and Remapping Meaning in Existing Public Art” by Berreth

  • ©Todd Berreth

  • ©Todd Berreth




    Cop to Conductor: Negotiating and Remapping Meaning in Existing Public Art



    There is a crisis in our communities about the tributes to a shared civic life represented in existing public artwork and monuments. Culture wars are being waged herein and appear increasingly unreconcilable. This paper discusses this moment and describes the range of strategies artists and designers have used to remediate these works. It presents a project description of an interactive artwork that suggests innovative approaches in this realm. The author introduces a conceptual model which served as inspiration for the piece that may be useful when discussing and designing
    such interventions.


    Marissa Fessenden, “Pop-up Monuments Ask What 20th Century Monuments Should Be,” Smithsonian.com(22 October 2017): <www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/pop-monuments-ask-what-21st-century-public -memorials-should-be-180965003/> (accessed 20 January 2018).
    Ben Davis, “Monumental Lies: Charlottesville’s Lee Statue Was Designed to Erase a History We Need to Remember,” Artnet (17 August 2017): <https://news.artnet.com/art-world/trump-charlottesville-robert-e-lee -symbolism-1053683> (accessed 24 January 2018).
    Maggie Astor, “Protestors in Durham Topple a Confederate Monument,” New York Times (14 August 2017): <www.nytimes.com/2017/08/14/us/protesters-in-durham-topple-a-confederate-monument.html> (accessed 20 December 2017).
    Elena Goukassian, “Calls to Take Down Columbus and J. Marion Sims Statues at Public Hearing on NYC Monuments,” Hyperallergic (22 November 2017): <https://hyperallergic.com/413383/nyc-monuments-hearing -columbus-sims/> (accessed 14 January 2018).
    Colin Moynihan, “Protestors Deface Roosevelt Statue Outside Natural History Museum,” New York Times
    (26 October 2017) <www.nytimes.com/2017/10/26/arts/protesters-deface-roosevelt-statue-outside-natural-history -museum.html> (accessed 12 January 2018).
    Robert Putman, Bowling Alone (New York: Simon and Schuster, 2000).
    Alyssa Anderson, “Whatever Happened to Marx? e Art of Forgetting in Budapest’s Memento Park,”Academia.com (2014).
    Corinne Segal, “Projection Artists Bring Light To Social Issues with Attention Grabbing Protests,” PBS.org(17 September 2017): <www.pbs.org/newshour/arts/projection-light-artists-protest> (accessed 20 January 2018).
    Ken Shulman, “Art; A Monument to Mothers and Lost Children,” New York Times (20 September 1998): <www.nytimes.com/1998/09/20/arts/art-a-monument-to-mothers-and-lost-children.html> (accessed 5 January 2018).

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©Todd Berreth ©Todd Berreth ©Todd Berreth ©Todd Berreth ©Todd Berreth ©Todd Berreth

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