“Converting 3D furniture models to fabricatable parts and connectors” by Lau, Ohgawara, Mitani and Igarashi

  • ©Manfred Lau, Akira Ohgawara, Jun Mitani, and Takeo Igarashi




    Converting 3D furniture models to fabricatable parts and connectors



    Although there is an abundance of 3D models available, most of them exist only in virtual simulation and are not immediately usable as physical objects in the real world. We solve the problem of taking as input a 3D model of a man-made object, and automatically generating the parts and connectors needed to build the corresponding physical object. We focus on furniture models, and we define formal grammars for IKEA cabinets and tables. We perform lexical analysis to identify the primitive parts of the 3D model. Structural analysis then gives structural information to these parts, and generates the connectors (i.e. nails, screws) needed to attach the parts together. We demonstrate our approach with arbitrary 3D models of cabinets and tables available online.


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