“Continuous penalty forces” by Tang, Manocha, Otaduy and Tong

  • ©Min Tang, Dinesh Manocha, Miguel A. Otaduy, and Ruofeng Tong




    Continuous penalty forces



    We present a simple algorithm to compute continuous penalty forces to determine collision response between rigid and deformable models bounded by triangle meshes. Our algorithm computes a well-behaved solution in contrast to the traditional stability and robustness problems of penalty methods, induced by force discontinuities. We trace contact features along their deforming trajectories and accumulate penalty forces along the penetration time intervals between the overlapping feature pairs. Moreover, we present a closed-form expression to compute the continuous and smooth collision response. Our method has very small additional overhead compared to previous penalty methods, and can significantly improve the stability and robustness. We highlight its benefits on several benchmarks.


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