“Continuous anti-aliased rotation and zoom of raster images” by Weiman

  • ©Carl F. R. Weiman




    Continuous anti-aliased rotation and zoom of raster images



    Raster graphics images are difficult to smoothly rotate and zoom because of geometric digitization error. A new algorithm is presented for continuous rotation and zoom, free from the disturbing aliasing artifacts introduced by traditional methods. Applications include smooth animation. No matrix multiplication of pixel coordinates is executed. Instead row and column parallel operations which resemble local digital filters are used. This suggests real time implementation with simple hardware. Anti-aliasing is inherent in the algorithm which operates solely on pixel data, not the underlying geometric structures whose images the pixels may depict. Zoom magnification is achieved without replicating pixels and is easily attained for any rational scale factor including but not restricted to the integer values which most existing commercial raster graphics systems use. The algorithm is based on a digitized code for lines on rasters, generalized to an interpolation scheme capable of executing all linear geometric transformations. Samples of images which have been rotated and zoomed by a software implementation of the algorithm are presented.


    1. Newman, W.M. and Sproull, R.F. Principles of Interactive Computer Graphics, 2nd Edition 1979, McGraw-Hill, New York.
    2. Vector General Corporation, 3400 System Product Specification Sheets, 1978.
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    4. Sutherland, I. and Mead, C. “Microelectronics and computer science”, Scientific American, Vol. 237, Sept. 1977, pp. 210-229.
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    6. Rothstein, J. and Weiman, C.F.R. “Parallel and sequential specification of a context sensitive language for straight lines on grids”, Computer Graphics and Image Processing, Vol. 5, 1979, pp. 106-124.
    7. Weiman, C.F.R. and Rothstein, J. Pattern Recognition by Retina-Like Devices, Computer and Information Science Dept., Ohio State University, OSU-CISRC-TR-72-8 (AD 214 665/2) 1972.
    8. Castleman, K.R. Digital Image Processing, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1979.
    9. Crow, F.C. “The use of gray scale for improved raster display of vectors and characters”, SIGGRAPH ’78 Proceedings, pp. 1-5.
    10. Andrews, H.F. “Digital image processing”, IEEE Spectrum, April 1979, pp. 38-49.
    11. Rosenfeld, A. and Kak, A. Digital Picture Processing, Academic Press, 1976.
    12. Freeman, H. “On the encoding of arbitrary geometric configurations”, IRE Trans. Electron Computers, EC-10, 1961, pp. 260-268.

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