“Contact-centric deformation learning” by Romero, Casas, Chiaramonte and Otaduy

  • ©Cristian Romero, Dan Casas, Maurizio M. Chiaramonte, and Miguel A. Otaduy




    Contact-centric deformation learning



    We propose a novel method to machine-learn highly detailed, nonlinear contact deformations for real-time dynamic simulation. We depart from previous deformation-learning strategies, and model contact deformations in a contact-centric manner. This strategy shows excellent generalization with respect to the object’s configuration space, and it allows for simple and accurate learning. We complement the contact-centric learning strategy with two additional key ingredients: learning a continuous vector field of contact deformations, instead of a discrete approximation; and sparsifying the mapping between the contact configuration and contact deformations. These two ingredients further contribute to the accuracy, efficiency, and generalization of the method. We integrate our learning-based contact deformation model with subspace dynamics, showing real-time dynamic simulations with fine contact deformation detail.


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