“Computer Animation Using Digital Video for the Web, Multimedia, and Broadcast” by Judd, Costigan, Gaunt and Mareda

  • ©Robert (Bob) L. Judd, Jim Costigan, Ross Gaunt, and John F. Mareda



Entry Number: 20


    Computer Animation Using Digital Video for the Web, Multimedia, and Broadcast

Course Organizer(s):




    Who Should Attend
    People starting or planning to build a computer based digital video animation recording system, or who are converting their present systems to digital video, Web-page builders with video information, CD-ROM designers with interactive video, or visualization centers for industrial and presentation users.

    Course Objectives
    Our principal objective is to give an overview of digital video and computer animations in a variety of applications. Attendees should leave with enough information to know what to look for in purchasing equipment, how to assemble a system of their own, be knowledgeable enough as to know what hardware and software is needed, and what pitfalls to avoid when producing a video. We also will explore the upcoming horizons in computer video technology, such as Web-based video, compression, multimedia, ATM video transmission, digital video disks, high-definition television, recording/editing systems, and others.  

    This course is a practical guide for understanding and using digital video for computer graphics animations in applications such as networked video, multimedia, and video broadcasts or presentations. We will present a nuts-and-bolts approach to making effective use of the wide range of digital video in applications such as: animation recording systems, transmission over ATM networks and the World Wide Web, interactive CD-ROMs, scientific visualization, desktop multimedia systems, and high- definition video television standards. We will demonstrate computer animation recording and non-linear editing on a desktop video system, describe in detail various digital video animation systems, and describe the digital video format standards.  



Contents/Schedule PDF:

Contributed By:

    Mary Whitton


    Charles Babbage Institute Archives, University of Minnesota

Overview Page: