“Color table animation” by Shoup

  • ©Richard G. Shoup




    Color table animation



    Even a small amount of animation can greatly enhance graphic communication—particularly when it is desired to show change, movement, or a complex idea or relationship. In raster scan display systems, however, the cost of providing animation has usually been prohibitively high due to the large bandwidths involved in changing a picture rapidly. This paper describes a simple method for providing a limited but very useful real-time interactive animation capability on many existing frame buffer systems. Color table animation relies on changing only the colors of objects and areas present within a single, static picture via the frame buffer’s color table RAM. Several variations of this technique are discussed and examples are given of such a capability in use for illustration, educational animation, and television graphics.


    1. Weinberg, R. Computer Graphics in Support of Space Shuttle Simulation. Proc. ACM Siggraph ’78, Computer Graphics 12, 3 (Aug. 1978), 82-86
    2. Hackathorn, R.J. Anima II: A 3-D Color Animation System. Proc. ACM Siggraph ’77, Computer Graphics 11, 2 (Summer 1977), 54-64.
    3. Levoy, M. A Color Animation System Based on the Multiplane Technique. Proc. ACM Siggraph ’77, Computer Graphics 11, 2 (Summer 1977), 65-71.
    4. Goldstein, R. A System for Computer Animation of 3-D Objects. Proc. 10th Annual UAIDE Meeting (1971).
    5. Catmull, E. The Problems of Computer-Assisted Animation. Proc. ACM Siggraph ’78, Computer Graphics 12, 3 (Aug. 1978), 348-353.
    6. Baecker, R. M. A Conversational Extensible System for the Animation of Shaded Images. Proc. ACM Siggraph ’76, Computer Graphics 10, 2 (Summer 1976), 32-39.
    7. Honey, F.J. Artist-Oriented Computer Animation. J. Soc. of Motion Picture and Television Engineers, (March, 1971).
    8. Faust, M. Stanford University Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, private communication.
    9. Lippman, A. MIT Architecture Machine Group, private communication.
    10. Knowlton, K. Color display on the DDP-224 computer, private communication.
    11. Kajiya, J. T., Sutherland, I. E., and Cheadle, E. C. A Random Access Video Frame Buffer. Proc. IEEE Conf. on Computer Graphics, Pattern Recognition and Data Structure, (May 1975) 1-6.
    12. 9000 Series Display Systems, Ramtek Corporation, 585 North Mary Ave., Sunnyvale, CA 94086.
    13. Smith, A. R. Color Gamut Transform Pairs. Proc. ACM Siggraph ’78, Computer Graphics 12, 3 (Aug. 1978), 12-19.
    14. Joblove, G. H. and Greenberg, D. Color Spaces for Computer Graphics. Proc. ACM Siggraph ’78, Computer Graphics 12, 3 (Aug. 1978), 20-25.
    15. Shoup, R. G. Some Experiments in Television Graphics and Animation Using a Digital Image Memory. Presented at the 13th Television Conf. of the SMPTE and published in Digital Video Vol. II, SMPTE, Scarsdale, 1979, 88-98.

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