“Collision Detection and Response for Computer Animation” by Moore and Wilhelms

  • ©Matthew Moore and Jane Wilhelms




    Collision Detection and Response for Computer Animation



    When several objects are moved about by computer animation, there is the chance that they will interpenetrate. This is often an undesired state, particularly if the animation is seeking to model a realistic world. Two issues are involved: detecting that a collision has occurred, and responding to it. The former is fundamentally a kinematic problem, involving the positional relationship of objects in the world. The latter is a dynamic problem, in that it involves predicting behavior according to physical laws. This paper discusses collision detection and response in general, presents two collision detection algorithms, describes modeling collisions of arbitrary bodies using springs, and presents an analytical collision response algorithm for articulated rigid bodies that conserves linear and angular momentum.


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    32. Jane Wilhelms, “Using Dynamic Analysis for Animation of Articulated Bodies,” IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, vol. 7, no. 6, June, 1987.

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